Crafted for the Modern Cigar Enthusiast
Discover how passion and craft unite to create a community. Experience elegance in every puff.
A Passionate Journey into the World of Cigars
At Urban Gentleman Gear, our mission is to provide discerning cigar enthusiasts with exceptional accessories that enhance their smoking experience. We are committed to offering only the finest quality products, coupled with personalized customer service that creates lasting relationships. Our goal is to be the go-to destination for anyone looking to enjoy cigars in style, whether for personal use or to gift others.
Our vision at Urban Gentleman Gear is to become a leading name in the cigar accessories market, known for our unmatched quality and stylish offerings. We aspire to cultivate a thriving community of cigar lovers who appreciate the finer aspects of smoking culture. By continuously innovating and expanding our product line, we aim to inspire moments of relaxation, enjoyment, and connection among our customers. Ultimately, we envision a world where every cigar smoking occasion is elevated by our thoughtfully crafted products.
Urban Gentleman Gear has been recognized for its outstanding quality and stylish designs within the cigar community. Our products have received accolades from industry experts and have been featured in various lifestyle publications, showcasing our dedication to excellence. We pride ourselves not only on our high standards but also on the positive feedback from our valued customers who appreciate our commitment to the art of smoking.
Cigar smoking is not just a hobby; it’s an art form that deserves the finest accessories.
Ethan Caldwell
Elevating the Cigar Experience Through Quality and Craftsmanship
At Urban Gentleman Gear, we believe in the artistry behind each cigar. Our accessories are crafted to complement the experience, making every moment special.
Our goal is to foster a love for cigar culture, creating a community where enthusiasts can share stories and enjoy quality products crafted with care.